It's normal to feel intimidated starting a new project. We have supported clients through the many emotions of a build. Whether it be defining your true wish list or understanding key design elements to consider, we are ready to design any space with you. Our team can help you ensure your vision matches the final result and avoid common pitfalls. We aim to make your experience enjoyable from concept to completion.
Production & INStall
Coates Creek Cabinetry has experience building and installing projects across worldwide. We work with a diverse range of clients, including homeowners, contractors, and designers. Our top priority is bringing our clients vision to life, regardless of their level of expertise.
We educate you on the different materials, designs and entire process. We work with you from your initial thought until we complete the white glove service for the final install. We consider ourselves part of your dream team.
Experience Coates Creek Cabinetry’s “Pride in Workmanship,” naturally built into every creation.
STEP [One]
Gather your wish list. Sit in the space and ask yourself how you want to feel.
STEp [Two]
Let’s share a coffee (or two) so that you can share what you are looking for. We will also explain different things to consider that can impact the build.
STEP [Three]
Decide on the final design and then sit back and put your feet up. Yes, we honestly mean that. Once you approve the design, we will connect with you to confirm timing. During the build and install we will maintain contact with progress updates. Once the install is complete, your space will be ready to unpack - and enjoy.
Book a Consultation
All you need to bring is your wish list. We take care of the rest.