Corner of drawer showing Dovetail corner construction.


  • Every cut is yours. Every shelf is yours. Solely yours.

  • Whether it is colour or au natural, we do it by hand, here feet away from where we design it, cut it, and assemble it.

  • 5-piece door construction is made of 1” solid wood frame.

    The profile is done with custom cutters to allow a larger mortise and tenon for added strength.

    The purpose of the mortise and tenon construction is that makes it difficult for the pieces of wood to move therefore creating a strong bond between them that will last for many years to come.

  • Yes, each drawer is treated equally as important as the doors. Quality is in the detail and we cover everyone.

Solid wood drawer face.

High quality materials

  • When we say solid, we mean everything.

  • Building to last generations, means we need to ensure stability from every angle.

  • What is old, can be new again. We take a piece of the past and integrate into award winning designs

Team at Coates Creek Cabinetry using saw to cut wood.

Customized for you

  • If we don’t have one that fits your vision, we will make it.

we are a differEnt breed